Directory: ${PENCIL_HOME}/samples/helical-MHDturb SVN Id: $Id$ Maintainer: Axel Brandenburg Added: 08-Jun-2002 Status: succeeds # One of [succeeds|failing since |obsolete| ...] Recommended resolution: 32x32x32 for nu=eta=5e-3 is fine. For comparison with higher resolution runs see Brandenburg (2001, ApJ 550, 824), except that there a forcing wavenumber of kf=5 was used. The forcing function works with preselected wavevectors that were computed with: ${PENCIL_HOME}/samples/helical-MHDturb/idl/ Comments: This is a helical MHD turbulence run. After about 600 time units a large scale magnetic field develops from an initially random magnetic field (if initaa=0 is set). References: Brandenburg, A.: 2001, ``The inverse cascade and nonlinear alpha-effect in simulations of isotropic helical hydromagnetic turbulence,'' Astrophys. J. 550, 824-840 Candelaresi, S., & Brandenburg, A.: 2013, ``How much helicity is needed to drive large-scale dynamos?'' Phys. Rev. E 87, 043104