Directory: ${PENCIL_HOME}/samples/superparticle-condensation-coagulation SVN Id: 79634 Maintainer: Xiangyu Li Added: 2020-03-21 Status: has been working in this form since 27-Aug-2014 Recommended resolution: at least 128^3 References: Comments: This sample is for simulating the condensation + coagulation of particles using the superparticle algorithm. [PAB] 23-Mar-2023: This auto-test never succeeded with any GCC version 7.5 or later. I added sample outputs from GCC 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, and Intel 2020. Results vary randomly for GCC>=7.5 if we repeat the run from scratch. Intel 2020 compiler results deviate from the "reference.out", too. Intel results are at least stable, probably because Intel initializes all variables on its own.